I've often sat on trains and thought of good themes for a blog entry but then ultimatley failed to translate these good intentions! I'm disappointed I haven't captured more of my thoughts as I would now have a lovely rich reflective account. Therefore instead of dwelling on my endless capacity to write virtual blogs or my outstanding ability to procrastinate I will commit to writing this blog more often! I may even go so far as to put it in my diary to do!
A lot has happened since my last blog entry in 2010. Many more trips around the UK visiting occupational therapy students, numerous meetings to ensure students are well supported by the College, I've moved from one side of London to the other, I've visited Venice and had two amazing holidays in my favourite place, Scotland, watched the Jubilee regatta from a boat by the London Eye, visited Chicago and attended the American OT conference in Indianapolis. I've become both a godmother and an Auntie and had a significant birthday! I've presented a paper at the COT annual conference, given keynote presentations and written a recruitment strategy. I've become an iPad owner and am fascinated by occupational science. I've changed my hair style a few times and completed my MSc! At the moment I'm preparing to leave my job at COT after 8 years to fulfil a long held ambition to become a occupational therapy lecturer. At the end June I'll leave London and relocate to Plymouth in Devon where I will join the OT programme team at Plymouth University.
I'm busy looking forward at the moment - sorting out the logistics of somewhere to live and attempting to imagine how my lifestyle will change. While at the same time I'm enjoying looking back at all the amazing opportunities I have had while working at COT and based in London.
The concept of 'transition' is something we are familiar with as occupational therapists so I'm attempting to utilise my professional knowledge and insight to ease my own transition. Many final year occupational therapy students are on the brink of a similar transition - leaving University life and heading out into the world of work as qualified occupational therapists. So I have opted to theme this year's fringe meeting at the COT annual conference on 'transitions' as it has personal meaning and is often a concept that can get overlooked when dealing with our own challenges and not just our service users. I'm currently reading the article; Blair S (2000) The Centrality of Occupation during Life Transitions, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(5), p231-236.
Having fallen rather quiet on here for the last few years, I'm determined to use this blog to chart my own new transition. I'm hoping to capture my thoughts and reflections on leaving COT and becoming a university lecturer. Although this will be my personal journey I hope in the process I will provide some food for thought and continue to illustrate you never know where your occupational therapy careers will take you!